Here’s A New Approach to Cancer in Dogs...

Did you know that our canine companions are the most toxic creatures on the face of the earth? Not only do they deal with the day-to-day environmental challenges like we all do such as chemtrails, insecticidal spraying, lawn chemicals and household cleaning products, but also a plethora of pharmaceutical products including vaccines, preventative medications and other protocols. Are they safe and effective?

We now know that cancer is rarely caused by genetics. It is caused by environmental challenges, and lifestyle. Generally, it’s because you use the same laundry detergent, the same shampoo, the same toothpaste, and eat the same foods that are loaded with toxic chemicals. The repetition of ingesting those same unhealthy products is the real culprit.

When we realize that we are essentially the creator of this horrific condition which is not truly a disease, we can prevent, the attack and ultimately beat Cancer naturally. It is the same for us as it is for our pets. We share the same environment. Our pets are exposed to the same threats but they have much smaller bodies which can mean higher toxic levels based on weight.

Let’s take a quick look. You clean your floor with a fresh, aromatic cleaner. What’s in it and is it safe? If it’s safe, then why is there a warning label?  Your pet lives on the floor, eats on the floor and sleeps on the floor. What are they absorbing and ingesting?

Now let’s throw in cancer causing foods that include highly chemically laden diets from most processed pet food. Add to it the high heat processing, the product bags and can linings that can consist of cancer causing plastic compounds such as BPA ultimately contributing to the food being a carcinogen in creating a cancer ridden dog.

We now have our pets in a very toxic state and then you are prescribed deadly vermicides for them as “preventatives” against fleas, ticks, heartworm and other parasites. Have you read the warning labels or inserts on any of these? The flea products warn against getting on our skin yet they tell you to apply it to your pets’ skin. The heartworm “prevention” products clearly state that they do not prevent heartworms but aid in the treatment of heartworm disease.

Vaccines are another source of toxins and with the increase in the unnecessary number and frequency of these vaccines, the immune system of our pets becomes highly compromised.

This approach of chemicalization of our canines with all these toxic products has lead to so many dogs showing the symptom that we call cancer. Yes, cancer is a symptom that the body is toxic and therefore out of balance. Now that we understand the true nature of the causes, we can support the body with the tools that are needed to heal itself. And yes, the body can heal itself of cancer and most other health challenges.

The goal is prevention of all disease by minimizing the number and quantities of toxins we expose our dogs to and understanding their effects. Feeding a species appropriate, balanced diet with clean minimally processed foods, limiting chemical toxin exposure and using natural herbs, botanicals and foods to detoxify will improve their overall health. Bill Piechocki, nutritionist and Dr. Diane Sudduth, DVM are partners in Fiesta Pet Deli in Pompano Beach, FL, 954-971-2500 and co-hosts of the radio show. Our 40 years in the animal field has provided us unparalleled vision and information which we pass to our clients daily. Call or email us for a free consultation, we would be more than happy to help. 800-940-7387/

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