Allergies In Pets - What Can We Do?

It is time for us all to take more control and responsibility for our pets’ health and well-being, we need to improve our understanding of what optimal health means. What applies to humans generally applies to animals as well. This includes knowing about species appropriate diets, safe products and proper handling along with understanding what medications, insecticides and vaccines do and how they work. It also means that we should learn the medical terminology.

Do you really know what an allergic response is and how that it is determined? Allergies are not a natural occurrence but rather a natural response upon exposure to something the body needs to reject. In other words, it is a biochemical detoxification of that foreign intruder. The body is simply trying to remove the intruder and yet modern medicine approaches it by attacking the symptom rather than the cause.

The veterinary field professes that our pets can have allergies to anything from pollen, grasses and plants to various foods, meats and herbs. You rarely hear of an allergic reaction from a drug, vaccine, insecticide, chemical, cleaner, deodorizer, or other household or yard products. Which do you think the body is going to fight back against, natural, synthetic or man-created products?

Widely used treatments in allopathic or conventional medicine is to use steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines and other drugs to suppress the symptoms. These products do nothing more than push the external symptom deeper into the body without allowing the body to expel the foreign properties. Thus, the body is actually fighting multiple battles which include trying to free itself from the allergen, ridding toxins from the drugs that have been administered and expending energy to heal itself.

Today we have so many chemical and toxic exposures to our pets. We see hundreds of toxic chemicals in their standard pet food diets, preventive drugs, vaccines administered; along with environmental exposure to household, lawn and air pollutants toxins. Is it any wonder that what we call “allergy symptoms” such as scratching and itching, rashes, hotspots, tear staining, coughing, sneezing, paw licking, ear infections, anal gland issues and many more occur? Along with that, factor in the drugs they use for treatment with their toxic side-effects, it proves how durable and strong the natural body is.

Here’s a simple answer right before all eyes as to why pets have “allergies.” A pets’ body condition is only as good as what their caretakers can do to provide the healthy nutrition and balance within the body. From the macro diet of animal products such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other animal source foods to the micro nutrients provided by herbs, botanicals and other micro sources, these components are what ultimately balance the body and eliminate any form of allergy through the natural process.

Allergy symptoms are essentially natural events that our pets and even ourselves acquire, whether in a natural cycle or induced. If we simply feed the body what it requires, clean and detoxify in a natural way and balance through rotational nutrients, we will have healthy pets. Open your eyes to what is being put into your cute, furry and fuzzy family member and then you will suddenly understand.

Bill Piechocki, nutritionist and Dr. Diane Sudduth, DVM are partners in Fiesta Pet Deli in Pompano Beach, FL, and co-hosts of the radio show. Our 40 years in the animal field has provided us unparalleled vision and information which we pass to our clients daily. We can be reached at 800-940-7387. Call us for a free consultation, we would be more than happy to help.

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