Salix alba, willow and willow bark.
Salix alba is a medium-sized deciduous tree with long, green, tapering leaves and grey-green bark. White willow bark has a history of use in traditional European herbalism for its beneficial properties. Willow bark contains the active constituent salicin, the chemical compound that led to the creation of aspirin. White willow bark powder can be infused, encapsulated, tinctured, or applied topically.
Most commonly used in tea preparations, and equally convenient as a capsule or extract. Also used to make lozenges, and salicin tablets.
Native american herbal medicine used Willow Bark to diminish sexual desire. Long-term, daily use of Willow Bark will reduce sexual desire, although it will not alter sexual performance in either men or women. Do not use Willow Bark if you are allergic to aspirin, and do not give Willow Bark to a child under sixteen years of age who has symptoms of any kind of viral infection, especially flu or chickenpox.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These food products may be beneficial for supporting optimal health.
For educational purposes only.
Capsules available upon request.