Why Would Anyone do That? Do I need all these Treatments?

Some time ago, I had a client ask if I could help her with her sick little puppy. She was under a year old and weighed less than five pounds. She had been eating the right foods, an all natural real food rotational diet, but suddenly became withdrawn, lethargic, with loose stool and coughing. Her owner wanted to know if there was a “special” food that would help.

Since she’d been fed the right foods for a while, I immediately suspected that there may have been a very different cause. Knowing the right questions to ask, lead me to the problem. The puppy had been taken to an animal hospital for grooming. While she was there, the veterinarian and the tech/groomer decided to do a “preventive” dip of sulfur and lime after using a harsh shampoo. To add to the stress this puppy was experiencing, the veterinarian decided the puppy needed another booster vaccine.

Anyone who follows us knows that we are constantly stressing the dangers of so-called “preventatives,” including “vaccines” and that they should not be used as routine, but with extreme care and only when real problems are very probable. This puppy had been suffering the side effects of the vaccine, the effects of the toxic dip, and whatever combination these chemicals had created inside this tiny puppy.

The owner was well-educated and a very caring fur-parent, so why did she not believe all the warnings she had seen and heard about vaccines and various drugs? Is it any different than us ignoring the long lists of warnings we see on those drug ads shown on television.

We all too often blindly believe our doctors and veterinarians are looking out for ourselves and our pet’s health and well-being. Unfortunately, they are not taught health. They are taught medicine. There is a big difference. Veterinarians have a further conflict in that they sell products and services that are unrelated to medicine.

Why would you take your pet to a facility of sick animals for grooming or for a vacation stay? Let’s think! The animal hospital requires that their grooming and boarding clients must be vaccinated in order to prevent them from catching something while they are there. They know the facility is exposed to all kinds of pathogens from the parade of sick animals they see daily.

We can make decisions for ourselves and assume the resulting consequences. Our pets depend on us to make the right choices. To do this right, we must ask the right questions of the right people.

This puppy ended up to be fine once treated with a diet that included foods that aided in the detoxification of its’ tiny body and the pet parent learned a valuable lesson on not adding  any more poison to that body. Once a toxin is put into a body, it is difficult to remove before it does its’ damage.

The key here is to always ask yourselves, “why am I doing this” before you take any action and use careful consideration before selecting any health plan for your pet and for that matter for yourself as well.

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