Is My Pet Normal Or Sick?

In our topsy turvy profit-driven medical system, do we really know what the normal body responses are? Are the symptoms we see always signs that our pets are really sick? Are some of their “healthy” physiological functions that are natural or are they manipulated and labeled to disguise something else?

We begin with the premise that all disease and illness merely have two causes; deficiency and toxicity. Examining from this perspective makes our understanding a lot easier. We also need to look to nature as to what is normal and healthy.

Vomiting and diarrhea, is it really a sign that your pet is ill? Do you know the stool consistency of a healthy, wild canine or feline eating their natural, species appropriate diet? Do you know if it has changed over the years as a result of numerous additives that are in commercial foods?

Vomiting and diarrhea is an event that provides normal housecleaning of ingested material that the body must eliminate quickly for a number of reasons. It may be as a result of eating food that is inappropriate for that species, contaminated, processed, or even over consumed. Ingested foods also remove specific toxins from the body which are subsequently removed in feces. The more toxin, the more rapidly it will be removed.

In nature, most stool or feces will be very soft and watery in order to make elimination quick and easy. However, commercial pet foods often contain inappropriate, contaminated ingredients and are highly processed with hundreds of chemicals that the body will choose to eliminate immediately in the form of diarrhea. To prevent this from happening, stool hardening additives are added to these diets causing constipation which makes our pets to strain in order to pass large quantities of hard, uncomfortable stool. We are now told this consistency is normal and that a naturally soft stool needs to be treated.

Vomiting is caused by the same elements but in the upper digestive tract. The most common are toxins and allergens that cause mucus to build up in the sinus, throat and stomach regions. In most cases, it occurs an hour or so after the last meal. The body has already derived any nutritional benefit and has gone on to move the mucus contaminated food out rapidly.

Allergies, scratching, itching, chronic ear infections, anal gland problems, paw chewing, and even more serious problems such as liver and kidney “disease” or failure is a symptom of toxicity and deficiency as well. Vile pet odor and stool are abnormal to a healthy animal and are indications that the body is getting rid of toxins. Nutritional rebalancing with species appropriate foods and herbs along with chelation of the toxins with botanicals will often bring the body back to health.

If you want to see what normal and optimal health is supposed to look like, I suggest viewing as many videos of animals in the wild as possible and watch their natural behavior. Watch the way they move, their mannerisms, how and what they eat, where they rest, and even when they are active. Now watch your pet in the same manner and make the adjustments needed to accomplish normal, optimal health and behavior. It’s time to look into providing clean food, clean water and as clean an environment as possible for our furry friends.

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